Twist in my sobriety | West Village : Twist in my sobriety

Friday 12 December 2014

Twist in my sobriety

I was once asked in one of those corporate team-building exercises to identify the one thing that I would like to change about myself. I suspect the trainer was hoping for something along the lines of "It can be hard for me to delegate' or 'I wish I was a better listener". Without hesitation, I told him that I wished to be genetically modified so I was able to drink.

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Like many people of Asian descent, I chose to give up on alcohol as the only other option was to continue drinking badly. And when I say badly, I mean, head on the table, a full body flush and heart palpitations after one drink. This my friends, is known as the Asian Glow.

It's a rather curious affliction that requires a lot of explaining at lunches, dinners, parties, gigs, weddings, funerals...basically anywhere there is a gathering of people. It can, quite frankly, get on my tits after a while. I'd love to order a diet coke without people assuming I'm in recovery, preggers or worst of all...boring.

Believe me, I know I am missing out. I wish there was a cure.

After 15 alcohol free years I've now nailed it. It's actually really simple - just surround yourself with people that you actually like. Being drunk or sober is totally irrelevant if everyone is feeling good, right?

Of course, this is all on the premise that I can find a bloomin' babysitter in the first place.


Metropolitan Mum said...

I wish I had that excuse not to drink. My body has never been happy with alcohol - however, I've been spared from the 'Asian glow'. The older I get, the less I enjoy drinking. Or the aftermath...

West Village Wanderer said...

Actually that is a really good point. Sadly the social pressure to drink doesn't seem to wane with age.

Bren Murphy said...

Awesome post - if only a red face was as bad as it got! Try adding totally wrecked life - just for starters. Awesome blog too - please pop over my way and leave your own comment if you have a moment, I love sharing guest posts and invite you to
if possible.
Thanks Bren

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